Darren Espanto wants his fans to only calls him ‘Darren’

Singer Darren Espanto urged his fans to call him ‘Darren’ now instead of addressing him with his full name.


During a press conference for his upcoming teleserye “Can’t Buy Me Love,’ Darren said that removing his surname from his screen name was part of his ‘rebranding’ as an artist.

Fans couldn’t stop asking why Darren wanted to remove his surname, so the singer-actor released an explanation to prevent confusion.

Some netizens even assumed Darren was having problems with his family, hence his decision to remove his surname.

However, Darren clarified that he had no qualms with his family.


“Dinisown na po ‘ko ng pamilya ko. Hindi, joke lang!” said Darren.

He said using only a short screen name would help boost his branding.


“I feel like it goes better with, you know, the brand that I’m trying to portray as a singer and as an artist. So, it’s not really much of a big deal. But for now, it’s just Darren nga po,” he said.

It can be recalled that several artists like Madonna, Drake, Adele, and Eminem were only using a short screen name so their fans could easily remember them.

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