Joey de Leon, may mensahe sa kanyang mga kritiko: “Mahirap na ngayong magpatawa”

Veteran comedian and E.A.T host Joey de Leon used the poem created by his former co-host, Michael V., to message his critics online.

Joey reposted the poem in his tweet about the comedians receiving criticism because of their humor.


Here’s the poem he posted:
“Mahirap na ngayong magpawa.”
Marami na ngayong namumuna,
Tingin nila mas magaling sila,
Sila ang dapat narito pala!
Eh ano ang tawag sa kanila?
Kung sa lugar mo’y ang tagal mo na?
Mas kwela sila palagay nila

It can be recalled that Joey received criticism online because of his joke during one of the episodes of E.A.T, where he told one of the players of Gimme V: Laro ng mga Henyo that ‘lubid’ could also be hanged around the neck of a person.


E.A.T management then apologized for Joey’s remark, saying they were ‘regretful’ and ‘apologetic.’

“In this regard, the whole E.A.T. management is regretful and apologetic to those who were offended by the said utterance. Rest assured that we are one with MTRCB in advocating a responsible viewing experience for the public,” Jeny Ferre, the head of E.A.T creatives and production operations, wrote.


Joey didn’t make any public apology himself.

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