Miel Pangilinan, disappointed after being asks by netizens to avoid eating rice: “I don’t need this kind of concern”

Sharon Cuneta’s daughter, Miel Pangilinan couldn’t hide her disappointment after she read some advice from a netizen that she must avoid eating rice to prevent her continuous increase in weight.


In her social media post, Miel addressed the comment from a fan of hers who said that she must reduce her weight and be healthy.

Miel said that the comment made by her fan was unnecessary and admitted that she was upset about it.

According to her, this was not the first time she received such comment from a netizen.

“This comment is very unnecessary and unwarranted and, honestly, pretty offensive. The thing is, I don’t know you and you don’t know me. And no matter how much my content you consume does not give you the right or the knowledge of what’s actually going on with my life,” she said.


She insisted that only her family and close friends have the right to give advice about her well-being.

Miel also clarified that she also had a nutritionist, so she doesn’t need any advice from random people.

“It feels condescending. And I’m very, very tired of it. I’m sorry. I don’t need this kind of concern from you because I have my own parents, my own siblings, and my own nutritionist who are properly looking out for me and my health,” she stated.

She also said that even if she was a public figure, it was wrong for some random people to make a comment about her weight.


“This does not give you the right to overstep your boundaries and stick your nose on other people’s business,” she stated.


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