Pastor Dimver Andales, humingi ng karagdagang panahon para sumagot sa mga akusasyon laban sa kanya

The controversial pastor of the Lapasan Baptist Church wanted a longer time to answer the accusations he was facing.

In a statement, Pastor Dimver Andales wanted the prosecutors to give him more time to prepare for his defense on his involvement in the case of 2023 Mister Cagayan de Oro candidate Adrian Rovic Fornillos.


According to the Pastor’s lawyer, Rhobert Maestre, they asked the court to give his client 10 more days to prepare for a counter-affidavit to prove that he was not the one who orchestrated the passing of Fornillos.

Maestre said that they needed more time to prepare the evidence to prove the innocence of his client.

It can be recalled that Andales was facing the said accusations after several Facebook posts claimed that he was the alleged ‘sugar daddy’ of Fornillos’ girlfriend, Jone Oro.


Some claims said that Andales was allegedly upset that Oro was planning to marry Fornillos.

Andales was even present during the wake of Andales and even prayed for the late student’s soul.


The Pastor insisted that he had no relationship with Oro and even said that he would file charges against the people who spread the said rumors.

He also suspected that the rumors spread against him was ‘politically motivated’.

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