Konsehal Ricardo Isip Jr. ipinaliwanag kung bakit isinulong niya na ideklarang persona-non-grata si Pura Luka Vega

26 Manila City councilors voted to declare Pura Luka Vega, whose real name is Amadeus Fernando Pagente as ‘persona-non-grata’ in their jurisdiction.

Pura became controversial after he posted his drag performance while wearing a Jesus Christ costume while singing ‘Ama Namin’ remix on July 10.


Many influential people criticized the said actions made by Pura and the negative comments he received were intensified by his refusal to apologize.

On August 8, 2023, Manila District 5 Councilor Ricardo Isip Jr. led the resolution to declare Pura as an undesirable visitor to the country’s capital.

He urged the other councilors to support his proposal, saying that more people may do the same disrespectful behavior if they would only tolerate the performance by Pura.

“Ito pong taong ito ay walang habas at ‘di man lang pinag-isipan ang kanyang ginawa … Isang kalapastangan po ang kanyang ginawang palabas. Hindi po dapat itong palagpasin kasi ‘pag pinalagpas natin ito, baka maparisan po ito. Kailangan na po nating gumawa ng aksyon.” the councilor said in his sponsorship speech.


Isip successfully gained the support of all the councilors.

Meanwhile, Pura expressed his disappointment with the decision made by several provinces to declare him undesirable.


According to him, he was open to talking with the people who were upset by his performance, but no one even approached him about it.

He also insisted that his performance is an ‘art’ and not mean to make fun of the Catholic Church.

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