It’s Showtime fans challenge MTRCB chair Lala Sotto to also summon her father Tito Sotto

It’s Showtime fans have been challenging the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board chairperson Lala Sotto to also invite her father, Tito Sotto, for the actions he did during the July 29 episode of E.A.T.

It can be recalled that the former senate president went viral on social media after he expressed he kissed his wife Helen Gamboa, on live television.


The ‘Madlang People’ compared the action made by Tito to what Vice Ganda and Ion Perez did during the ‘Isip Bata’ segment, saying that the agency’s chair should also launch an investigation against her father.

Some also said that there were more important things on television that should be addressed instead of focusing on Vice and Ion’s actions.


These are literally some of the most viewed videos on GMA’s Youtube – some in tens of millions. These were also aired on free tv on day time. And being pushed by Youtube algorithm without an 18+ censor. But suddenly, MTRCB & Lala Sotto want to draw the line on cake eating,” netizen Austine said.

Other netizens also believed that there was a possible conflict of interest with the decision made by Lala against It’s Showtime.

As of writing, MTRCB has yet to release a statement on whether they would also summon Tito or not.

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