Bigatin! List of wedding sponsors of Maine Mendoza and Arjo Atayde’s wedding released

The wedding of television host Maine Mendoza and actor-politician Arjo Atayde on July 28 held in Baguio was considered star-studded.

Several public figures and celebrities were present during the event including Maine’s noontime show colleagues.


Despite the bad weather, most of the invited guests successfully attended the wedding.

They also released the list of sponsors during the wedding and most of them are well-known and influential in the media industry.


Here’s the list of the principal sponsors of Maine and Arjo’s wedding:

  • TAPE Inc. exec Antonio Tuviera
  • Madeleine Tuviera
  • Celeste Tuviera
  • Former Senate President Tito Sotto
  • Former Eat Bulaga creative director Jeny Ferre
  • Vic Sotto
  • Joey de Leon
  • Nova Villa
  • Miguel Jose Atayde
  • Jinky Jane Lacarta
  • Roldeo Endrinal
  • Maricel Soriano
  • ABS-CBN Exec. Carlo Katigbak
  • ABS-CBN Exec. Cory Vidanes
  • House Speaker Martin Romualdez
  • Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte
  • Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri
  • Rhea Anicoche -Tan
  • Rosabella Fernandez

Dabarkads Allan K, Miles Ocampo, Wally Bayola, and Ryzza Mae Dizon also attended the wedding.




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