Eat Bulaga, nilangaw sa tapatan ng E.A.T at It’s Showtime sa social media

Rebranded Eat Bulaga lost the social media contest between their two competitors, TVJ’s new noontime show ‘E.A.T’ and It’s Showtime.


During the live stream of the three shows, TVJ led the count of live viewers, reaching more than 300,000 viewers and followed by ‘It’s Showtime’ with 100,000 viewers.

Meanwhile, Eat Bulaga only reached 3,000 viewers, making them the least-watched noontime show among the three on social media.

The return of the TVJ on national television might give a big problem to TAPE Inc., which was reportedly already struggling with keeping up with its advertisers and ratings.


Furthermore, It’s Showtime’s contract with GMA was rumoured to be a backup plan for the network if ever that Eat Bulaga fails to compete with TVJ.

Observers believed that It’s Showtime was a more worthy competitor for E.A.T and should be put on the GMA channel instead of GTV.


People are also waiting if TVJ would be given rights to use the title Eat Bulaga in the future.


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