Rebranded Eat Bulaga, talo sa sabayang live stream ng mga Dabarkads kahit wala pa silang noontime show

Even without a show, former Eat Bulaga Dabarkads were still getting more views online than the rebranded version of their noontime show.

Several netizens noticed that the live videos published by the Facebook page ‘TVJ’ were getting more views than the rebranded Eat Bulaga that TAPE Inc currently handled.


Netizens cited the live stream published by Eat Bulaga and their former hosts at the same time on June 15, showing that the original Dabarkads gained more live viewers.

Eat Bulaga even used their hosts with bigger social media following, including Isko Moreno Domagoso and Paolo Contis. However, it still failed to surpass the live videos being posted by TVJ.

In the past four days, the TVJ page was getting 300,000 to 1.1-M total views per video.

Meanwhile, the Eat Bulaga live stream that Moreno and Contis posted was only getting 40,000 to 200,000 views.

It can be recalled that TVJ reportedly possessed the official social media pages associated to Eat Bulaga, giving more trouble to TAPE Inc. on how to get a social media presence.


It was the possible reason why TAPE Inc. was forced to create a new social media page and channel that later on got disabled after being mass-reported by Dabarkads fans who believed that the rebranded Eat Bulaga was fake.


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