Coincidence? Netizen notice that TVJ’s resignation is the same day of Pepsi Paloma’s passing

While thousands of netizens are discussing the resignation of Tito Sotto, Vic Sotto, and Joey de Leon to Tape Inc. a Twitter user pointed out a coincidence about the date of the departure of the legendary trio.


In a Twitter post, netizen @mark_taimiklang noticed that the announcement of TVJ has the same date as the passing of former actress Pepsi Paloma who passed away on May 31, 1985.

“Coincidence?” the netizen asked.

Aside from Mark, some netizens also celebrated the departure of TVJ, mentioning the case of Pepsi.

It can be remembered that Vic, Joey, and Richie D’Horsie have been accused by the actress of allegedly taking her to a room with the three and made unimaginable things to her.

Tito got involved in the case by becoming the lawyer of the three accused.

According to a report in People’s Journal on October 13, 1982, the three apologized to Pepsi.


“We hope that you will not allow the error we have committed against you to stand as a stumbling block to that future which we all look forward to. We, therefore, ask you to find it in your heart to pardon us for the wrong which we have done against you.” according to the report.

Pepsi did not pursue the case against the three.

In 1985, Pepsi was found lifeless inside her apartment, citing several personal problems.

Tito believed that Pepsi only accused Vic, Joey, and Richie to gain publicity.

The discussion about the case has been revived after legendary OPM band Eraserheads released the song ‘Spoliarium’ which fueled an urban myth.


However, the band’s former frontman Ely Buendia denied that the song was about Pepsi’s case.




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