MTRCB suggested to report the music video of Toni Fowler, saying they will rate it ‘X’ if possible

While they had no control over Toni Fowler’s controversial music video of ‘MPL’, the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MRTCB) said that they would give the content an ‘x-rating’.

In a statement released by MTRCB, they said that the MPL’s music video was not supposed to be shown to the public because of its sensitive content.

They also clarified that the producers of MPL didn’t ask them to review the video.

“The MTRCB wishes to inform the public that MPL did not undergo MTRCB review and classification, hence, it was not given any rating by the Board. We assure the public that had the MTRCB been given the opportunity to rate the same, it would have been given a NOT FOR PUBLIC EXHIBITION (“X”) rating,” the agency said.

Because they had no control over platforms like Youtube, MTRCB suggested to the netizens to just report the videos they thought were not suitable for public consumption.


“We also would like to remind the public that they may use the report/flag option on Youtube and other online platforms to flag or report content they deem inappropriate or offensive to their sensitivities. We are working on proposed amendments to our charter that are both fair to the creative industry and mindful of the needs of the Filipino viewing public,” they said.

Toni has yet to give a response to MTRCB’s rating.

It can be recalled that the movie ‘Metamorphosis’ received an X Rating in 2018 and was not allowed to be shown in theaters.


MTRCB also wanted to have authority over online streaming sites like Youtube, Netflix, and Amazon.

Currently, the agency only had jurisdiction only to television and movies.

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