Volleyball Star Jaja Santiago to change her citizenship to Japanese, ending the hopes for her representing PH

Volleyball star Jaja Santiago’s chances to represent the Philippine National Team may have ended after the former NU Lady Bulldogs player decided to renounce her Filipino citizenship.

In an interview, the coach of the Philippine national team Edson de Brito informed the press that Jaja was already in the process of changing her citizenship to Japanese to represent the said country in the Paris Olympics 2024.


The 6-foot-5 volleyball player was not expected to represent the Philippines in the upcoming international tourneys including the Southeast Asian (SEA) Games this year.

De Brito admitted that Jaja’s decision was another blow to the Philippines.

“I don’t think so because she has already started the process for (Japanese citizenship),” he said.

“Bad for us, good for them. Good for her as well. I’m always hoping that she can be happy. As you know, she’s a good player.” he added.


Jaja was currently playing for Saitama Ageo Medics and she was also engaged to her Japanese Coach Taka Minowa.

Dindin Santiago-Manabat also confirmed that Jaja really wanted to become a Japanese to pursue her dreams.

She also confirmed that the Japanese national team was interested to Jaja.


“It’s her dream and no one can stop her from pursuing that dream,” Dindin said.


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