Atty. Larry Gadon reveals that he’s not a believer of face mask: “The mask is only for a show”

Defeated senatorial candidate Atty. Larry Gadon revealed that he’s not convinced with the effectivity of face masks.

Gadon made his statement in an interview with CNN’s Rex Remition after he was spotted plastering face mask on the face shield.


“I don’t believe in mask outdoors. Face shield is okay. Mask may be good for small enclosed places like elevators or small conference rooms,” said Gadon.

“In my case, the mask is only for a show because stores will not allow entry if you don’t have mask,” he added.

The lawyer who became famous for pushing an impeachment complaint against Maria Lourdes Sereno even asked why the cases of virus are still rising despite the face mask policy in the country.

He believed that everybody will catch the virus “someway somehow sooner or later”.

“What is more important is your healthy body, your strong immune system. NOT THE MASK. COVID Fear was created by paranoia,” he said.


“COVID is curable at the onset when symptoms are felt. One should only take the traditional Chinese medicine,” he added.

Gadon also said that the government was overreacting on the pandemic.

“I don’t believe in masks,” the lawyer said before the end of the interview.

According to a survey, 91% of Filipinos were following the face mask policy of the government.


Many scientists, experts, and even the World Health Organization (WHO) were confident in the effectiveness of face mask to protect the people from the virus.

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