Impostor ni Clint Bondad o hindi? Netizens become curious after Youtube user ‘LopingMajesty2916’ post cryptic video

Netizens became hyped when a certain user ‘LopingMajesty2916’ became active on Youtube as the said username was being used by Clint Bondad in his Google play.


Bondad shared his Google Play username in one of his Instagram Stories yesterday.

screenshot from clintbondad Instagram

Netizens then searched “lopingmajesty2916” on Google and this was what they found, a Youtube with a Monalisa video.

Screenshot from Google Search @jstmn__

It can be remembered that Bondad also posted images of Mona Lisa on his Instagram stories.

Around 12 AM on July 18, ‘LopingMajesty2916’ uploaded another video that raised the curiosity of the netizens and some of them almost believed that they already decoded the mystery of Bondad’s Instagram post.

The minute-long video titled “You are welcome 17 JUL 2020 Drinking Peppermint tea with Headphones” was about a slideshow showing an image of Mona Lisa, a man seems kissing someone and a girl using a bathtub.

“AM I FAM{LIAR TO U? saved secrets here since June 9, 2020… will be opened after few minutes…” the bio of the Youtube user uploaded the video reads.

There are two Lopingmajesty2916 registered on Youtube, the first one uploaded the cryptic video

30 minutes after being uploaded, the video has now deleted on Youtube because of violating the rules of the video-sharing platform.

Fortunately, some netizens recorded some parts of the video.


The video really captured our attention, but we investigated the authenticity of the content for the sake of our readers.

We found that the video was showing Catriona Gray and Sam Milby.

However, the images were only taken from other Youtube videos and just zoomed it.

The image of a man kissing was taken during Milby’s ‘Pool incident’ in Pinoy Big Brother.

Screenshot from Youtube

The photo with a girl using a bathtub was taken during Catriona Gray’s Valentines’ commercial of an apparel brand.

Screenshot from Youtube

Until now, people were waiting for the next contents of LopingMajesty2916, but we’re not going to follow the said user unless Clint Bondad confirms that he has a Youtube account.

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