Senate President Tito Sotto reveals that some senators are helping the people affected by ECQ secretly

Senate President Vicente ‘Tito’ Sotto III denied the accusation of Manila City Mayor Isko Moreno that all of his colleagues are not helping the people affected by the enhanced community quarantine.

In a Tweet, Sotto revealed that some members of the Senate are donating more than their monthly salaries to the people, without broadcasting it.


“The Senators have been donating more than just their salaries since day one but never published it!” Sotto said.

The Senate President also shared a verse from the bible about giving the needy.

“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” the Senator posted.

Sotto made the said tweets after he made controversial remarks yesterday, saying that they’re not tasked to repack relief goods for the people.

“Our duty as lawmakers is to promptly pass the enabling law so the exec dept can use govt funds to respond during this health crisis. We did so in 18 hrs. it’s not our mandate to repack rice and sardines with a complete PR team around us. Some of us do, WITHOUT the PR team!” Sotto said yesterday.



A few days ago, Mayor Isko Moreno slammed the 24 senators of the Philippines and asked them if they’re already heartless as they’re not being seen helping the people affected by the ECQ.

Mga senador, 24 lang kayo, mga sekretaryo, mga pulitikong katulad ko, ngayon natin ipakita, ipakita ninyo ang pagmamahal ninyo sa Pilipino. Kaming mga tiga-Maynila, Pilipino rin. Ngayon niyo ipakita, maraming nagdadarahop.” Moreno said.


“Wala ba kayong mga puso? Maswerte kayo, pinagpala kayo. Maswerte tayo nakaluwag tayo sa buhay. Paano yung mga naghihikahos dahil sa krisis na ito at yung mga naghihikahos sa kasalukuyan. Hindi tayo magkakaunawaan sa salitaan, hindi tayo magkakaunawaan sa mga political ideologies.”  he added.

Aside from encouraging high-ranking officials to help, Moreno and the other elected officials of Manila City announced that they’re going to donate their salary to the Philippine General Hospital (PGH).


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