“#UbuhanSiDuterte!” Twitter users wants to cough on President Duterte amid COVID-19 problem in PH

Amid the COVID-19 scare in the country, some Twitter users started a campaign urging the people to cough on President Rodrigo Duterte.

The topic #UbuhanSiDuterte has gone viral on Twitter yesterday amid the criticisms being received by the President from the netizens because of the rising cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines.


Coughing is one of the ways to transmit the COVID-19 to another person.

It’s already known that the 73-year-old President has health problems already, and it’s not advisable for anyone to cough on the President.

“Because Duterte does not want to SOLVE THE ISSUE OF COVID-19 since he, himself, is another strain of virus lmaoooo it is THAT simple. STREAM ITZY’s WANNABE and#UbuhanSiDuterte,” netizen @tomflordeliza said.

“You have elected as President of the Filipino people….pero actions speak louder than words. You are the president of POGOS and protector of China’s interests ACTUALLY #UbuhanSiDuterte,” netizen @andiesanjuan tweeted.

“People who are crying out ‘respect the president’ over #UbuhansiDuterte sound like your class vp standing at the teacher’s table, while your class president stormed out,” @scoutmagazine wrote.

However, some netizens and even critics of the President didn’t like how some Twitter users wanted to cough on Duterte.


“Critics of Duterte have become so toxic that they’d wish him death or harm. Blinded by so much hatred that they now resorted to deplorable stunt like this “UbuhanSiDuterte” hashtag. These people have lost a sense of decency, morality. They’re no longer capable to rationale thinking,” netizen @TishaCM said.

“It’s so ironic how people want to SOLVE THE ISSUE OF COVID-19 while making #UbuhanSiDuterte a trending on twitter. Such a toxic society,” netizen @jnrckslvnt remarked.

“U guys don’t know how to respect the president. Toxic Filipino culture. Don’t make #UbuhanSiDuterte trend. Most of the Filipinos doesn’t know how to respect the President, bansa pa kaya natin? Lmao. Always bineblame ang government kapag May major problem ang country,” netizen @mxmnthl wrote.


As of writing, the said topic was already removed to the trending topic list of Twitter.



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