Netizen makes funny report about EDSA rally: “Sa sobrang dami po nila, walang ka-traffic traffic”

The #OustDuterte rally in EDSA was awaited by many netizens who are curious if this time, they’re going to succeed in pressuring President Rodrigo Duterte to resign by showing how many people are already opposing his policies.

However, it seems that many of them are disappointed that four years since Duterte became the President, there’s still no opposition rally that could raise alarm to the current administration.


A netizen even made a funny news report about the EDSA rally to mock the rallyist who even called the event “People Power 3” in some of their Facebook posts few weeks ago.

Hajji Kuya Amin, who’s driving along EDSA on February 22 published a live video showing the rallyists gathered around the People Power Monument.

In his report, he sarcastically said that there are millions of people attended the rally.

“Milyon milyong mga tao ang naipon dito para manawagan ng ‘resign Duterte’ ayan po mga kaibigan napakarami po nila ngayon, sa sobrang dami po nila ngayon ay wala pong ka-traffic traffic,” he said.

In reality, MMDA announced that there are only approximately 200 people attended the said event.


The event was promoted by several opposition supporters for months, asking for donations for the big event.

“Sabi ng mga DDS, nananaginip daw ako sa panawagang #OUST DUTERTE sa 2-22-2020. “You may say I’m a dreamer: but I’m not the only one.” – IMAGINE, John Lennon,” Enzo Recto, one of the organizers of the rally said weeks before the event.

However, it seems that the effort of the organizers is not enough to encourage the public to support the ouster of President Duterte.




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