Leah Navarro, Philip Lustre criticizes the laziness of President Duterte amid Taal eruption

The critics of President Rodrigo Duterte expressed their disappointment to the chief executive on Twitter amid the erption of the Taal volcano.


Singer Leah Navarro criticized the lack of uproar over “Duterte’s physical absence” several times during calamities.

Navarro then accused that the criticisms received by former President Noynoy Aquino came from bots and trolls who wanted to taint the image of the latter.

She believes that President Duterte “have no real empathy or sympathy” to the people.

“I blame the gullible and uninformed for electing them. Now, even they suffer. How much more can we endure? I’m done,” said Navarro on Twitter.

Another critic of the President, veteran journalist and public relations consultant Philip Lustre Jr. called the President lazy after missing during the Taal ashfall.

HE’S being mocked and right for his lazy ways. While Taal Volcano rambles and spews lava and other volcanic materials to trigger ashfall in Regions 3, 4 and NCR, the sluggard is nowhere to be found and felt. Asleep in his bat cave in Davao City? Most likely. What’s new? Not much,” Lustre Jr. said.


The tweets of Lustre and Navarro captured the attention of some supporters of Duterte and tried to defend the President mostly against the singer’s twitter post.

“With due respect, the President was in Davao when Taal activity happened. Flights were canceled in NAIA but he made an effort to fly in despite the harsh condition. Let’s not forget your VP who stayed in the US while her hometown was ravaged by a typhn,” netizen @marloukelly told Navarro.

Because Duterte is silently working his job without being grandstanding while you guys are using this disaster for your future political ambition and we won’t forget that!” @charliekogure remarked.

Duterte arrived at Manila on Monday, one day after the Taal volcano started to heightened its activity which caused ashfall in many provinces in the country.


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