Netizens blame President Duterte over Taal volcano eruption

Even during the time of calamities, the critics of President Rodrigo Duterte have time to make fun or blame the chief executive on what’s happening in the country right now.

On Twitter, several netizens blamed President Duterte on what’s happening with the Taal volcano.


“Maybe Taal is asking for Duterte and d DDS to be fed to its crater so that the disastrous future to be faced by PHL could be averted,” netizen @yusufledesma said when he answered a tweet from a blogger asking about the reason of the heightened activity of the volcano.

“Taal’s last eruption was under the Marcos administration. Parallel another for the Duterte administration, will he play the same tricks again? Ghad.” netizen @josiahvantonio tweeted.

“Taal Volcano erpted under Duterte Admin. Coincidence? I think not,” @annyourprecious posted.

Netizen @memedelo723 also mentioned Duterte’s friend, Pastor Apollo Quiboloy in his tweet about Taal volcano.

Some Twitter users also asked why President Duterte is not appearing in public to address them about the heightened activity of the Taal volcano.


“It’s been hours since the Taal eruption—still no statement from Duterte and Malacañang. This is an EMERGENCY for the urban poor & the homeless, who have no choice but to spend tonight breathing volcanic ashfall. We need to demand immediate action from the government!” @rosereyde said.

“Where is President Duterte when Filipinos need him the most. People are suffering the volcanic ashes and Taal Volcano erpting soon yet no televised warning or even advice of encouragement,” @dcdjan said.

A netizen then posted that President Duterte doesn’t need to appear in television as he already ordered his officials to help the people affected by Taal.

“People of the Republic of the Philippines; President Duterte no needs to set up press conference to address the nation with the ongoing magmatic unrest of Taal. The president have sent out his orders through his officials for evacuation and precautionary measures we can utilize,” @MSecretaire tweeted.


As of writing, President Duterte is not yet appearing in public and speaking about the Taal volcano.

However, he already has given instructions to his officials to undertake measures necessary to put the residents living near the perimeter of Taal to leave the danger zone.

He also ordered the suspension of classes and government work in Metro Manila, CALABARZON and Central Luzon.

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