Singer Leah Navarro on Mayor Isko Moreno: “Masyadong OA ang dating”

Singer Leah Navarro criticized Manila Mayor Isko Moreno after the latter defended President Rodrigo Duterte’s Oplan Tokhang amid the discussion about the ICAD report released by Vice President Leni Robredo.

Navarro expressed her disappointment to Moreno by writing a tweet criticizing him, she also retweeted some critical posts about the Mayor.


On her tweet, Navarro called the Manila City Mayor ‘OA’ or overacting when he made a statement about his possible presidential bid in 2022.

“Someone, anyone, please give this guy a better script. Pa destiny destiny pa siya. Take two, masyadong OA ang dating,” Navarro said.

Navarro on another post accused Moreno of discrediting Robredo to gain advantage in 2022 as the Vice President is also one of the possible candidates in the next presidential elections.

“LOL. Isko’s trying to discredit VP Leni to try forestalling her overshadowing him in 2022,” said Navarro.


She also retweeted a post from netizen @rryyyaaaannnn urging Moreno not to defend the President’s Oplan Tokhang.

“We are looking at the national perspective/ totality of the problem. Clearly, hindi mo naman binasa o nabasa ng buo yung report ni VP Leni. Wag muna magpapogi kay Duterte, ha?” the netizen said.


On Tuesday, Moreno said in an interview that the Vice President should be careful of calling the Oplan Tokhang failure because it might demoralize the law enforcers.

“Unfair naman sa enforcement unit who are putting their life on the line. They are willing…We have to be very careful with this kind of statement because it might demoralize them,” Isko said in the interview.


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