Leah Navaro criticizes sleepy President: “Duterte needs to resign and give the reins to VP Leni”

Singer Leah Navarro expressed disappointment over the habit of President Rodrigo Duterte to sleep, asking who’s the people running the country while the chief executive is asleep.

On a tweet, the known critic of the President who shared a statement from Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo said that Duterte should resign and give his position to a more productive person.


According to Navarro, the best person she can see to replace President Duterte is Vice President Leni Robredo.

She claimed that Robredo is far more productive than Duterte, who’s being criticized for his sleeping habit.

“So who runs the country while Duterte sleeps? If he can’t keep awake long enough to do his job, he’s not doing his job,” Navarro said.

“Duterte needs to resign and give the reins to VP Leni who is far more awake, woke, and productive,” she added.

Navarro was reacting to Panelo’s statement that he’s unsure if the President is already aware of the judgment against the Ampatuans on Thursday.


According to Panelo, the promulgation of the judgment on the Ampatuan case happened during the sleeping time of the President.

In past interviews, President Duterte admitted that since he took the highest position in the country, he already losing some sleep and weight.

“Five hours. Kulang talaga. I’m most completely animated pagka mga seven to eight hours or longer,” the 74-year-old President said.


One of the reasons why he lacks of sleep is because he’s not comfortable staying in Manila and prefers to rest in his home in Davao City.

“And I cannot sleep when — only with my children, only with my children. At saka ‘yung amoy ng kumot ko,” he said.


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