Survey shows majority of Visayas and Mindanao voters want an Inday Sara and Rody Duterte tandem in 2022

While the 2022 election is still two years away, Publicus Asia Inc. (PAI) already conducted a survey in Visayas and Mindanao to know the preferences of the voters there.

In the survey called PAHAYAG 2019, it showed that VisMin voters wanted Davao City mayor Inday Sara Duterte to become the next President of the Philippines with 35.1%.


Following Duterte-Carpio were Senator Grace Poe-Llamanzares (11%), Manila City Mayor Francis “Isko Moreno” Domagoso (7.8%), Senator Manny Pacquiao (5.5%), House Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano (4.6%), and Senator Christopher “Bong” Go (4.5%).

The poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.19 percent across the entire survey population and +/- 3.1% within the respective Visayas and Mindanao clusters.

According to Mr. Aureli Sinsuat, PAI Executive Director and firm spokesperson, it showed that the Dutertes still captured the hearts of the Mindanaoan as the latest survey shows.

“Mindanao only has a 2-percent advantage over Visayas in terms of overall voting population, with 23 percent of total voters nationally registered in Mindanao versus 21 percent registered in Visayas. Despite this, however, the overwhelming preference for Mayor Duterte-Carpio among Mindanaoan respondents essentially nullified the tight results in Visayas,” Sinsuat said.

“Mindanaoan voters catapulted President Duterte to the presidency in 2016. This goes to show that a united Mindanao voting bloc is a force to be reckoned with in the 2022 elections,” he added.

Meanwhile, PAI also released the result of their survey in the Vice Presidential race and surprisingly, President Rodrigo Duterte, the father of Inday Sara was included in the list.


It showed that President Duterte garnered 11.6% while Inday Sara received 11.5% which is almost a tie.

Meanwhile, Moreno is in third place who garnered 9.85% of votes.

The top three were followed by Poe (9.05%), Cayetano (8.85%), and Pacquiao (7.25%).

However, Sinsuat doubts that President Duterte and Inday Sara are going to run in a same position.

“I doubt the President and Mayor Duterte-Carpio would run against each other for Vice President. One would undoubtedly give way to the other, and it is safe to presume that a large number of the supporters of one would end up flocking to the other. Thus, whichever Duterte would run for Vice President would win by a comfortable margin in Visayas and Mindanao.”


He also said that there’s only a little chance for the President to join politics after his term.

“The President has been vocal about his intention to retire from national politics and get some rest after his term ends in 2022. I doubt he would actively pursue six more years of stress as the second-highest official in the land,” he said.


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