“Seriously?” Agot Isidro criticizes President Duterte for sleeping after Davao quake

Actress Agot Isidro was disappointed after reading a report from Inquirer about President Rodrigo Duterte’s action after a magnitude 6.9 quake affected the Davao region.

On a Twitter post, Isidro criticized the President who’s reportedly in Davao City during that time for choosing to sleep.


Isidro said that the recent actions of the President show how much he really cares for the people.

“Natulog uli after the quake? Seriously???  Goes to show how much he cares for his people,” Isidro said.

According to Presidential Security Group (PSG) Commander Brig. General Jose Niembra, President Duterte decided to sleep again after he felt the strong quake.

“Ok lang naman wala naman damage house pero pa check pa rin sructural integrity. PRRD ok lang natulog uli after the quake,” Niembra said.

Several netizens also criticized the President after the revelation of Niembra, one even saying that PSG commander should look for a new job for telling the truth.


“My prayers are with you, PSG Commander Brig. Gen. Jose Eriel Niembra. Sana makahanap po kayo ng bagong work agad,” @miaMagdalena said.

Despite sleeping after the quake, President Duterte then ordered a 24/7 assistance to the quake victims.

Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles also said that the President is monitoring the situation of the affected areas.


“President Duterte is closely monitoring the progress of ongoing operations to thoroughly evaluate the damage of the quake and all ground units are ordered to work round-the-clock to make sure that everyone is safe and are ready for possible aftershocks,” Nograles said.



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