“Approve!” Jim Paredes congratulates organizers and artists of SEA Games opening ceremony: “What a grand show!”

Millions of Filipinos praised the opening ceremony of the 30th Southeast Asian (SEA) Games on Saturday, and even the critics of the current administration couldn’t hide their admiration over the show.

Legendary OPM artist Jim Paredes expressed his support over the opening ceremony of SEA Games and praised it after watching the clips of the said event.


“Congrats sa opening ng SEAG 2019. I could not watch cuz we had a show. Watching clips now on my phone. What a grand show. Congrats to the organizers and artists. Ok athletes Do your best. Mabuhay tayong lahat! Go Philippines,” Paredes said on his tweet.

He also congratulated the creative director of the opening ceremony Floy Quintos for making the event successful.

“Floy Quintos, Congratulations! That was truly creative and impressive. Mabuhay ka,” he said.

Paredes also agreed when a netizen said that people can criticize the government if they see wrong deeds and praise them if they achieve something.

“You can do both — criticize when you see irregularities or wrong deeds and praise when there is something worthy to recognize. Ganun ang nag-iisip na tao. Hindi nagbubulag-bulagan sa nakikita — mapatama man o mali. Ikaw ba??” netizen @Taurusjake told @migsGallano, a critic of Vice President Leni Robredo.


“Korek” Paredes responded.

Last week, Paredes also described the newly-built New Clark City Athletics Stadium as “impressive”.

He also approved the renovation of the Rizal Memorial Stadium.


“One of the things done right,” Paredes said after reading an article about the restoration of Rizal Memorial Coliseum as preparation for the SEA Games.


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