Netizen writes open letter to Sen. Drilon: “You do not have the credibility or moral high ground to talk to us about the price of things”

A netizen wrote a lengthy open letter to Senator Franklin Drilon after the latter questioned the amount spent by the government to build the cauldron for the 2019 Southeast Asian Games.

On a Facebook post, Krizette Laureta Chu compared the prices of the cauldron built by other countries who hosted the same event, saying that the Philippine government built a stadium and other facilities while Malaysia and Singapore didn’t build many big infrastructures as our country did for the SEA Games.


Chu pointed out that Malaysia spent 108-M USD, but only refurbished its stadium for the SEA Games, while Singapore spent 176-M USD cannot build additional infrastructure that’s why they decided to rent 20 hotels for the athletes.

Meanwhile, the netizen said that the Philippines spent 118-M USD to build stadiums,  playing fields, swimming pools, track ovals, Athlete’s Villages, art installations and also planning to establish Philippines Sports School.

“We are building from scratch. They had good leaders who have built these
infrastructure before the SEA GAMES which they just had to reuse,” Chu said.


However, she said that opposition politicians like Drilon are trying to ruin the achievement of the administration by pointing out a single piece of cauldron.

Because of the complaints of Drilon, Chu is wondering if the Senator wanted the Philippines to be unprepared for the SEA Games.

“Drilon will question P50 million cauldrons and use the sorry excuse of schools as if he had been a good leader who built schools and led this country to greatness. Nag rereklamo si Drilon sa P50 M cauldron that would bring prestige and honor to this country,” she said.

“The stadium’s cauldron is 3 meters wide, 50 meters high and will hold the SEA GAMES flame for the entire duration of the sports event. Did they want a cheap version na parang kaingin lang ang sunugan? Yung parang lutuan lang sa probinsya?” she added.

The netizen then compared the cauldron built by other countries, saying that it’s more expensive than the one our country constructed.

Chu believes that hosting the SEA Games gives the Filipinos “national pride” and it’s an opportunity for the country to “show off to the world”.

“We want to PULL ALL THE STOPS. It is the nature of the Filipino to open his home and give his guests the best—food, accommodations, even sleeping on the floor if his guest could have the bed—and this is our chance to put our best foot forward,” she remarked.

“It’s our chance to attract the investors they say we needed. Anong gusto ni Drilon, paawa effect na mukhang madungis tayo? E di Sana Di na tayo nag bid to host kung gusto nyong magmukhang hampaslupa,” she also said.


Chu mentioned the controversies faced by the allies of Sen. Drilon and their questionable projects like the toilet without dividers that are part of the P250-M project of the Aquino administration and the P10-M flagpole built by the same President.

She also pointed out the P800-M taxpayer’s money paid by the government to a Belgian company during the past administration because the former President scrapped the contract.

Drilon again received criticisms from Chu, questioning how the Senator built classrooms with the help of other people.

“Meanwhile Drilon, who has been in Senate for a long time and is one of the most powerful ones, has to partner pa with the Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce to build classrooms, which means they spend for it and all he probably does is some sort of Angat Buhay,” Chu said

“He also spends from his pork barrel—maka salita akala mo naman mala Manny Pacquiao who has built things with this own money,” she added.

She told Drilon that the Senator doesn’t have the right to question the said project.


“Lastly, you do not have the credibility or moral high ground to talk to us about the price of things because none of you from the Opposition understand the things we the Filipino people VALUE the most,” she said.

Chu then challenged Drilon to show his house and donate it to build classrooms.

“Gusto ng mga tao like Drilon pangit yung cauldron natin. Siya lang daw at yung mga kaalyado nya ang may karapatan sa magagandang gamit. Patingin bahay mo sa exclusivest village, Drilon. Sana dinonate mo nalang sa pampatayo ng classroom yung cost nung bahay mo,” she said.

A few days ago, Senator Drilon questioned the government for their “extravagant” expenses for the SEA Games, pointing out that the cauldron they built could already construct 50 classrooms.

“A P50-million kaldero. Do you realize that at P1 million per classroom this can construct 50 classrooms? In other words, we did away with 50 classrooms in exchange for one kaldero, is this a correct conclusion?” Drilon said.

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