VP Robredo says PH should not question US Senators proposal to ban officials against De Lima: “Karapatan nila iyon”

Vice President Leni Robredo said that the United States has the right to ban Filipino government officials who are allegedly involved to Senator Leila De Lima’s detention from visiting America if they want to.

In her radio show “Biserbisyong Leni,” Robredo said that it’s the right of the U.S to choose the people who can visit their country.


Karapatan nila iyon. Pareho din noong karapatan ng China na i-prevent iyong officials natin na papasok, puwedeng hindi tayo sang-ayon pero hindi siguro natin maipagkakaila na karapatan nila iyon bilang isang bansa,” Robredo said.

She also said that it’s up to the Philippine government if they’re going to give attention to the proposal of US Senators Patrick Leahy and Dick Durbin or not.

“Choice naman natin iyong kung magpapa-pressure tayo o hindi, ‘di ba. Kahit pa anong gawin noong nasa labas na i-pressure tayo, nasa sa atin kung magpapa-pressure tayo. In the same manner na choice din nila iyong pagdedesisyon kung sino iyong papasok sa bansa nila o hindi,” The Vice President stated.

However, she said that whether we like it or not, the government of the Philippines should not question the actions of the American Senators.


“Siguro iyong pag-kuwestiyon noong aksyon nila, hindi natin iyon puwedeng pakialaman kasi in the same manner na hindi nila dapat pakialaman iyong mga desisyon natin, hindi din natin puwedeng pakialaman iyong desisyon nila kasi statement iyon ng mga values na mahalaga sa kanila,” she said.

Robredo is one of the allies of Senator Leila De Lima, a critic of President Rodrigo Duterte.

Meanwhile, several Senators including Sen. Christopher “Bong” Go wanted to counter the proposal of the American Senators by banning them from visiting the Philippines.


According to Go, the said Senators of America are interfering with the affairs of the country.

“These senators should also be banned here in the Philippines. I will suggest to President Duterte to ban these legislators from entering our country for interfering in our internal affairs. These senators think they know better than us in governing ourselves,” said Go.

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