Students from U.P and MAPUA wants to ban Marcoses from entering their campus: “They endanger student lives and freedoms”

A group of students from the University of the Philippines and MAPUA University is pushing to ban all members of the Marcos family inside their campuses.

During a press conference, the group Youthresist and Anakbayan said that the presence of the Marcoses in their campus could endanger the lives and freedom of the students.


The said groups urged the students to support the said resolution which condemning Senator Imee Marcos and Irene Marcos to U.P Diliman.

They argued that Imee Marcos is also involved in several human rights violations happened during the time of her father former President Ferdinand Marcos, mentioning the late activist Archimedes Trajano as one of its victims.

The group also mentioned the Duterte administration, saying that they’re continuing the “anti-democratic Marcos rule”.

“Be it hereby resolve, that Imelda Marcos, Imee Marcos, Bongbong Marcos, and Irene Marcos be declared persona non grata in schools, universities, and colleges, by virtue of their past and present human and students’ rights violations,” the resolution reads.


“Be it further resolved, that the said Marcoses be denied entry to said educational institutions, as they pose a threat to students’ democratic involvement and participation in civic, social, and political affairs,” it added.

Weeks ago, Irene Marcos was confronted by rallyist during her visit to the University of the Philippines.


They even followed the former presidential daughter until she left Palma Hall.


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