Mayor Isko Moreno to Manila City goverment employees: “Smile! Life is complicated itself. Don’t make it more complicated”

Mayor Isko Moreno reminded the government employees of the city government of Manila always to smile while performing their job.

During the regular flag-raising ceremony at the Bonifacio Monument, Moreno told the employees to accept that they’re going to face hardships in life, but he believes that problems would make them strong.


“Smile! Life is complicated by itself. Don’t make it more complicated, hayaan mo na yang wagas makialam sa iyo sa Facebook, kung makapag comment siya sayo wagas, hayaan mo na yun, ang importante ikaw ay may pangraos sa Pamilya mo, ikaw ay bahagi ng pagsasa ayos,” said Moreno.

“Ang ampalaya, maganda sa diabetes, pero sa buhay hindi yan maganda wag niyong papaitin ang inyong maasim na mukha, be pleasant, sometimes we feel bad to our health, sometimes we feel bad about our failures, pero alam mo sa buhay talagang maraming pagsubok, pero ang pag subok na ating kinakaharap ang nagpapatibay ng ating kalooban,” he added.

He said that there are many stories in Manila City alone and they only need to listen to realize that they are still lucky despite the problems they’re facing in life.

This is not the first time that Moreno urged the public employees to smile at work.

Several weeks ago, Moreno urged the health workers that if they cannot smile while facing their patients, they should start to look for another job.


“Makikisuyo naman. Frontline kayo ng gobyerno in delivering services, in this case, health services. Kung hindi na kayo masaya sa trabaho ‘nyo dahil kayo’y masungit na kinakaharap yung mga may sakit, kaya kayo’y nagsusungit dahil pagod na kayo, kaya kayo’y nagsusungit dahil ‘di na kayo masaya sa ginagawa ‘nyo, pwede naman kayong magpaalam,” Moreno said.

“Totoong nakakapagod, jusko nakakapagod…pero pinasok natin ito. This is public service eh. Ano ba naman ang kaunting ngiti?” he also said.






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