Imee Marcos wants Philippines to cut its relations with Iceland

Senator Imee Marcos said that the Philippines should cut its relation with Iceland after the European country pushed the United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) to investigate the Duterte administration over alleged EJKs.

According to Marcos, Iceland doesn’t have the right to lecture the Philippines about human rights when their countries are legalizing abortion and removing the right of the unborn child to survive.


“We are an independent country enforcing its own drug laws to eradicate its own war against the pernicious drug trade,” the senator said in a statement.

“How can these countries point a finger at the Philippines when many of them have legalized abortion and have ignored the right to life of unborn children?” she added.

Voting 18-14 with 15 abstentions, the UN human rights council narrowly approved Thursday a two-page resolution filed by Iceland.


Meanwhile, the Philippines also rejected the decision of the UNHRC saying that countries who voted in favor of the said resolution would face consequences.
“We will not accept a politically partisan and one-sided resolution, so detached from the truth on the ground,” Department of Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin said.

A netizen also claimed that Iceland needs the Philippines more, explaining that we are only exporting $86,000 worth of goods with our imports are around $380,000.
< “Iceland is about 10,700 km from the Philippines. With only a population of 338,000, I don’t see any significant trade with them. Their main exports are aluminum, fish fillets, fish oil, and crustaceans. This will be expensive considering freight costs. We can source cheaper from other countries in Asia,” Kitz Barja said.


“For geothermal energy? We can deal with New Zealand,” he added.

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