Leah Navarro calls Duterte “brainless” for his actions towards WPS issue

Singer Leah Navarro expressed her frustrations over the action of President Rodrigo Duterte on the West Philippine Sea issue involving 22 fishermen.

In a tweet, Navarro made a two-word tweet against the President, calling him brainless after reading the report of Rappler journalist Pia Ranada about the action of the chief executive to resolve the issue.


According to the report, Duterte wanted to do a joint investigation over the issue with one representative each from China, Philippines, and another neutral country.

Duterte made the statement after a Chinese Vessel sunk a Filipino boat two weeks ago.

She shared several tweets from her friends, who also criticized the President for his actions.

In her latest tweet, Leah Navarro compared Vice President Leni Robredo’s help to the fishermen to the action of President Duterte.


“That’s the difference! VP Leni brought monetary support and presented it to the fishermen.” Navarro said.

“Don’t tell me this Duterte loan will have to go through all the bureaucratic rigmarole to get released. Sus, maybe it will become one of Duterte’s unfulfilled promises!” she added.


Navarro is a known critic of the Duterte administration and China’s action in the West Philippine Sea.


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