NBI and PNP join force to close down KAPA-Community Ministry

The Philippine National Police (PNP) and the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) ensured that they’re going to do their best to follow President Rodrigo Duterte’s order to close down KAPA Community Ministry Inc.

NBI Region 10 Regional Director Atty. Patricio Bernales Jr. said that they’re already planning on how they would close down KAPA.


Meanwhile, members of PNP are already doing their case build-up against KAPA.

KAPA which owned by a certain Pastor Joel Apolinario got hundreds of followers, they promised their members that they will get 30% “love gift” each month. It means that if you give 100,000 pesos, you will get 30,000 pesos monthly.

On a televised interview, President Duterte ordered NBI to close down KAPA and other groups who allegedly scamming their members.

“When it is good to be true, it is fraud. Biro mo ‘yung P100,000 mo would earn P30,000 a month? Ni bangko na ‘yung Banko Sentral natin magbigay, 3 lang porsyento,” he said.

“Eh ito, kayong mga Pilipino, ilang beses ko na kayo sinasabihan? What is being promised to you is something like heaven, walang tao dito, walang bangko, maski ‘yung Bank of America can afford to pay you P30,000 every month for your P100,000.” he added.


“To the CIDG, the police, the special investigating teams including NBI, that is pyramiding. That is why you shut them down and haul them (to courts) upon my orders,”

Meanwhile, Pastor Apolinario insisted that what they’re doing are legal and the President is referring to another group that is pretending to be KAPA.

“Hindi po tayo un. ‘Yung ipina-stop niya ‘yung lang walang kaukulang papeles na biglang sumulpot na parang kabute, mga walang legalidad. Tayo ay legal po, may papers tayong ipakita,” said Apolinario said to Kapa followers.

“Bilang member, maging matatag po tayo kasi legal at isa po tayong religous group,” he added.




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