Tulfo brothers lose their security detail from PNP and Marines

The Philippine National Police (PNP) recalled their security detail for Erwin, Raffy, and Ben Tulfo.

The decision of AFP came several days after Erwin Tulfo made harsh criticisms against Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Rolando Bautista.


However, the PNP denied that the recall was a response against Tulfo’s statement against Bautista, saying that the security details were only going to a regular “review” which is normal.

“Based on standard protocols, the two PNP security personnel assigned to Erwin Tulfo will undergo the regular inspection, interview and debriefing this week following an assigned schedule among all PSPG [Police Security and Protection Group] personnel,” said Police Colonel Bernard Banac, PNP spokesperson.

“All authorization of Tulfo siblings will undergo same review process as ordered by [Department of Interior and Local Government] Secretary [Eduardo] Ano,” Banac added.

Armed Forces of the Philippines also recalled two Marines assigned to secure Philippine Special Envoy for Public Diplomacy to China Ramon Tulfo.

They also denied that the statement of Erwin Tulfo against Bautista is the reason for the recall.


According to them, there’s only a shortage of personnel that made them call the security detail for Mon Tulfo.

Several days ago Tulfo made remarks against Bautista after the latter refused to an interview request for “Tutok Tulfo” radio show.

“Secretary Bautista, ha, ng DSWD, listen up and listen good. Tinatawagan ka namin para marinig ng mga kababayan nating mahihirap ang stand ng mga mahihirap, ha. Hindi yung sasabihan mo kami na sumulat muna kayo, 5 days, 5 days before. Eh sino ka bang p*nyeta ka na kailangan ko pang sumulat-sulat sayo?” Tulfo told Bautista.


“Sampalin kita pag nakita kitang buang ka eh, wala akong pakialam ke retired General ka, mudmurin ko yung mukha mo sa inidoro,” he added.


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