Inday Sara Duterte criticizes VP Leni Robredo: “She is not called fake VP for no reason.”

Hugpong ng Pagbabago (HNP) Chairman and Davao City Mayor Inday Sara Duterte has a fierce response on Vice President Leni Robredo’s comment on ‘honesty is a non-issue’ remark made by the presidential daughter.

In her statement, Inday Sara said that Robredo should avoid talking about “honesty and integrity” because she’s also being questioned and facing controversies that she’s not yet clarifying since she became the Vice President.


According to Inday, Leni Robredo tried to copy her late husband former Interior Secretary Jesse Robredo who’s hailed as an honest government official. The presidential daughter also mentioned the alleged romantic relationship of Robredo with a lawmaker.

“Leni Robredo should avoid commenting about honesty and integrity. Her honesty has been questioned since day one of her term as Vice President,” Inday Sara said.

“She is not called fake VP for no reason. She has tried to copy her late husband but has failed at every turn. She is facing an electoral protest for massive fraud during the 2016 elections. She has refused to answer allegations of her relationship with a married man. She may or may not get away with these, but we all know she is not forthcoming in everything,” she added.

“The reason why a good moral character is not a requirement to run for Vice President is because we have so many Leni Robredos in this world,”

Inday Sara said that if Robredo insisted that honesty should be a requirement in running as a government official, she should stop dreaming for a higher position in the government.

“If she insists in saying that you have to be honest to run for public office, then she must say goodbye to her dreams of becoming President.”


Yesterday, Robredo said that honesty is a “huge” factor for candidates.

“Iyong honesty, napakalaking factor sa integrity ng isang tao. Kung wala kang ganoon, dapat hindi mo nga iniisip maglingkod kasi papaano ka makakapaglingkod kung may problema ka sa sarili mo?” Robredo said.

“Ang nakakalungkot na kailangan pa pagdebatehan kung kailangan honest o hindi. ‘Di ba dapat given na yon? Nakakagulat,” Robredo she added.

This is the first time that Inday Sara Duterte made a fierce statement against Robredo who’s one of the possible candidates of the opposition in the 2022 presidential elections.


Meanwhile, Inday Sara is also being eyed as the successor of President Rodrigo Duterte.



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