Gretchen Barreto calls Kris Aquino a “Queen of all Fixers” in open letter against the talk show host

Gretchen Barreto addressed Kris Aquino in her new open letter as a response to the statement of the talk show host’ camp.

In her Instagram, Barreto posted the official statement of Divina Law on her shocking accusation against Kris Aquino.


Divina Law denied the claims of Barreto that Kris Aquino helped a certain Alice Eduardo to lessen the tax that she needs to pay.

“Our client did not intervene for Ms. Eduardo in any pending tax cases,” Divina Law said.

Barreto was not convinced by the statement of Aquino’s camp, calling it an example of a ‘non-denial denial.’

She also called Kriss Aquino a ‘Queen of all Fixers’ for allegedly helping her friend to escape her tax liabilities during the administration of her brother Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III.

Barreto explained that the incident happened during the time of former Bureau of Internal Revenue Commissioner Kim Henares, who’s currently the accountant of Kris Aquino.

In her open letter, Barreto also revealed that Kris Aquino allegedly called some of her family members to ask for some help in destroying her name.

You can read her whole post below:


“Want to see a classic example of a non-denial denial?

Notice how shrewd and deceptive her divine lawyers are by qualifying that the Queen of All Fixers did not intervene for Aliceinwonderland in any PENDING tax case.

Obviously, the sawsaw tax case happened during Miss Henares’ stint as BIR Commissioner, who also happens to be currently the Queen of All Fixer’s personal accountant.

And what’s this I heard from inside her camp? She called up Claudine to tell my parents that she will file a case against me & put me to jail and asked them for help in destroying me. What is this, a tag team wrestling match? Can’t a “Queen” handle it herself?


At least si Nicko, she said “ipapapatay Kita sa pamilya Ko. With me, she wants “ipapapatay kita sa pamilya MO ?And of course ARTEcaria Queen couldn’t help to look in the mirror and say she was previously a number one taxpayer. But why should we care about that when you helped fix Aliceinwonderland Eduardo hefty amount of taxes? ? ?”

On January 19, Barreto in a live Instagram video revealed that Kris Aquino allegedly helped Eduardo to lessen the taxes she needs to pay.

In exchange for that, the money saved by Eduardo has been used to buy luxury items abroad.

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