Actor Tony Labrusca cursed immigration officers at NAIA: “People asking pictures w/ me and you’re giving me hard time!”

Actor Tony Labrusca, who became famous because of the movie ‘Glorious’ is currently in hot water after being accused of cursing several immigration officials who didn’t give him a ‘balikbayan’ stamp to extend his stay in the Philippines for more than 30 days.

According to the reports, the incident has been revealed by a netizen who saw Labrusca’s social media post yesterday complaining about the 30-day duration gave to him by the immigration.


“Just landed in Manila and the Philippine immigration only gave me 30 days here. LOL. k” Labrusca said in his now-deleted tweet.

Several hours after Labrusca’s tweet, a netizen who’s working in the immigration office of NAIA terminal 1 during the incident criticized the new actor for continuing complaining even on social media.

The netizen also revealed how Labrusca who’s a US Citizen treated the Filipino immigration officials.

In his post, the immigration official said:

“You don’t have a Philippine passport, not even born in the Philippines, and not traveling with Filipino parents, but you want the same treatment as the other former Filipinos.

You even shouted and cursed at my supervisor, bragging that you’re a celebrity.

Ang galing mo talaga umeksena, hindi ka na nahiya sa ibang tao. Sigaw ka nang sigaw sa harap ng officers


The funny thing is, you were so proud to brag that you work here when you’re only supposed to be a tourist here in the Philippines.

Tapos mai ganito ka pa na post. Palakpakan!

For your info, Balikbayan visa is not a working visa.

Nakakahiya ka. Period.”

Another netizen from the comment section which seems personally witnessed the infamous incident quoted what Tony Labrusca exactly told the immigration officer that he tried to intimidate.


“Can you f**king understand my situation? People are asking/taking pictures w/ me and you’re giving me a hard time!” Labrusca allegedly told the immigration officer according to the witness.

Another netizen on Instagram urged Labrusca to apologize for his actions against the immigration officers, explaining that it’s impossible for him to extend his stay in the Philippines because he’s not traveling with his Filipino parents.

He also reminded Labrusca that he’s still new in show business and he should avoid acting like a VIP.

“You should be thankful that they didn’t even bar you from entering the Philippines but don’t worry you’ll soon be rewarded by punishment,” netizen Brandon Mendoza said.

Mendoza also revealed that Labrusca has already being pacified by his alleged boyfriend, however, the actor didn’t stop ranting.


“Fix your attitude, fly high but keep your feet on the ground, again you are just a noob celebrity,” he said.

After the incident gone viral, Labrusca finally released a statement apologizing to the immigration officers he cursed.

“I was unaware of the policy that because I was not with my mother, I did not qualify for a Balikbayan stamp,” he said.

“It was very upsetting for me. And I’m sorry that somehow, I took my frustrations out on the officer. But never did I ever call anyone stupid, nor an idiot much less brag about being a celebrity. I know for a fact that the officer is merely doing her job. My biggest mistake perhaps was letting my emotion get the better of me and again, I’m sorry.” he added.

As of writing, the Bureau of Immigration (BOI) is not yet releasing a statement on the incident.

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